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EUR/USD: Little scope for gains around ECB decision – Scotiabank

Economists at Scotiabank analyze EUR/USD outlook ahead of the ECB policy decision.

Gains are likely limited to the mid-1.0900s

A neutral hold is the likely outcome of today’s ECB policy decision. 

Recent comments from key policymakers have clearly steered market expectations towards the idea that no move lower in rates is likely before June at this point.

Swaps still reflect 16-17 bps of easing for the April meeting, which looks too rich, given current guidance so some repricing of ECB risk may give the EUR a mild lift today but there does not appear to be a lot of runway for EUR bulls to exploit at this point.

Gains are likely limited to the mid-1.0900s.


EUR/GBP moves higher to near 0.8550 followed by a resistance zone around the nine-day EMA

EUR/GBP moves in an upward direction, inching higher to near 0.8560 during the European session ahead of the European Central Bank’s (ECB) interest rate decision.
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US Dollar steady ahead of volatile ECB and US GDP schedule

The US Dollar (USD) trades steady and sideways this Thursday ahead of the first major central bank rate decision for 2024. All eyes will be across the Atlantic Ocean on the European Central Bank (ECB) with a rate decision and later comments from
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